sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2009

.Relative .Pitch .Ear-Training .SuperCourse [Audio-Book]

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Now you can learn to UNDERSTAND and SPEAK the language of music -- all BY EAR -- with this gold mine of ear-opening CDs by David Lucas Burge.

The Relative Pitch Ear Training SuperCourse will give you a PROFESSIONAL EAR for MUSIC. You'll learn how to compose all possible kinds of chords -- and then NAME them all by EAR ALONE. You'll also learn musical intervals, cadences, chord inversions, scales, compound intervals, and countless other essentials -- all to build up your virtuoso ear for music.


Printed Materials

Reference Charts

* * * LEVEL 1 (Lessons 1 to 9) * * *

Lesson 1

01 - Introductory Talk Part 1
02 - Introductory Talk Part 2
03 - About The Course
04 - The Importance of Musical Spelling
05 - The Chromatic Scale
06 - Half Steps & Whole Steps
07 - Perfect Fifths
08 - Introducing The Grand Round Ear-Opening Technique
09 - Homework

Lesson 2

01 - Introduction
02 - Correct Spellings: Perfect Fifths
03 - The Grand Round Ear-Opening Technique
04 - Enharmonic Spellings
05 - The Sound Round Technique
06 - The Random Round Technique
07 - Warm-up Drill for Tests

Lesson 3

01 - Introduction
02 - How Testing Works
03 - Spelling Test: Perfect Fifths
04 - More Procedures
05 - Sound Test: Perfect Fifths (Singing)
06 - Perfect Fourths
07 - Correct Spellings: Perfect Fourths

Lesson 4

01 - Introduction
02 - Spelling Test: Perfect Fourths
03 - Sound Test: Perfect Fourths
04 - Perfect Unisons & Perfect Octaves
05 - Unlocking Technique
06 - Melodic & Harmonic Intervals
07 - Major Thirds
08 - Correct Spellings: Major Thirds (Double Sharps, Double Flats)

Lesson 5

01 - Introduction
02 - Spelling Test: Major Thirds
03 - Sound Test: Major Thirds
04 - Speed Recognition: Drilling Procedures
05 - Lightning Roung: Mixed Melodic P4 & P5
06 - Speed Recognition of Tones
07 - Lightning Round: Mixed Harmonic P4, P5 & PO
08 - Minor Thirds
09 - Correct Spellings: Minor Thirds

Lesson 6

01 - Introduction
02 - Spelling Test: Minor Thirds
03 - Sound Test: Minor Thirds
04 - Major & Minor Cords
05 - Arpeggios
06 - Lightning Rounds: Major & Minor Arpeggios
07 - Chords
08 - Listening Technique
09 - Lightning Round: Mixed Major & Minor Arpeggios & Chords
10 - Homework
11 - Puzzle Drill (Chord Roots)

Lesson 7

01 - Introduction
02 - Spelling Test: Major & Minor Chords
03 - Sound Test: Major & Minor Arpeggios
04 - Major & Minor: The Basic Structure of Music
05 - Notation of Intervals & Chords
06 - Exam Preparation
07 - Lightning Round: Mixed P4, P5, PO & PU

Lesson 8

01 - Introduction
02 - Speed Recognition of Tones
03 - Lightning Rounds: Melodic Thirds
04 - Harmonic Thirds
05 - Mixed Thirds
06 - Tertian, Quartal & Quintal Harmony
07 - Relative Pitch Identification Drill
08 - Singing Drill
09 - More Drilling Procedures
10 - Lightning Round: P5, P4, PO & PU
11 - More Drilling Procedures

Lesson 9

01 - Introduction
02 - Exam Procedures
03 - Level One Exam, Section 1: Spelling Test
04 - Level One Exam, Section 2: Relative Pitch I
05 - Level One Exam, Section 3: Interval Singing
06 - Level One Exam, Section 4: Lightning Round
07 - Level One Exam, Section 5: Synthesizer Lightning Round: Part 1
08 - Level One Exam, Section 5: Synthesizer Lightning Round: Part 2
09 - More Exam Procedures
10 - Conclusion of Level One
11 - Relative Pitch Power Points Part 1
12 - Relative Pitch Power Points Part 2

* * * LEVEL 2 (Lessons 10 to 17) * * *

Lesson 10

01 - Introduction
02 - Inversions of Major & Minor Chords & Arpeggios
03 - Drill: Melodic Inversions
04 - Listen Technique Inversions
05 - Drill: Harmonic Major Inversions-Top Listening
06 - Bottom Listening
07 - Drill: Mixed Major Inversions
08 - Drill: Minor Inversions
09 - Listening Technique
10 - Drill: Mixed Major & Minor Inversions
11 - Listening Technique & Major Seconds
12 - Correct Spellings: Major Seconds

Lesson 11

01 - Introduction
02 - Miscellaneous
03 - Spelling Test: Major Seconds
04 - Sound Test: Major Seconds
05 - Whole Tone Scale
06 - Lightning Round: Mixed P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, PO & PU
07 - Dissonance & Consonance
08 - Lightning Round: Mixed Inversions
09 - Listening Technique: Inversions
10 - Drill: Inversions
11 - Drill: Major & Minor Inversions
12 - Listening Technique
13 - Minor Seconds
14 - Correct Spellings: Minor Seconds

Lesson 12

01 - Introduction
02 - Spelling Test: Minor Seconds
03 - Sound Test: Minor Seconds
04 - Lightning Round: Melodic Seconds
05 - Listening Technique
06 - Lightning Round: Harmonic Seconds
07 - Listening Technique
08 - Lightning Round: Mixed P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2, PO & PU
09 - Drill Instructions: Harmonic Inversions
10 - Drill: Harmonic Inversions
11 - Major Sixths
12 - Correct Spellings: Major Sixths

Lesson 13

01 - Introduction
02 - Listening Technique (Sound Association)
03 - Spelling Test: Major Sixths
04 - Sound Test: Major Sixths
05 - Lightning Round: P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2, M6, PO & PU
06 - Double Lightning Round
07 - Listening Technique
08 - Drill: Melodic Inversions
09 - Drilling Technique
10 - Minor Sixths
11 - Correct Spellings: Minor Sixths

Lesson 14

01 - Introduction
02 - Spelling Test: Minor Sixths
03 - Sound Test: Minor Sixths
04 - The Influence of Sound
05 - Lightning Round: Sixths
06 - Aural Illusions
07 - Drill: Inversions
08 - Note for Musicians with Perfect Pitch
09 - Augmented Fifth Chords (Sharp 5 Chords)
10 - Correct Spellings: Sharp Five Chords

Lesson 15

01 - Introduction
02 - Memorization for Self-Sufficiency
03 - Spelling Test: Sharp Five (Augmented) Chords
04 - Special Sound Exercise
05 - Notation of Sharp 5 (#5) Chords
06 - Lightning Round: Sixths
07 - Lightning Round: Mixed P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2, M6, m6, PO & PU
08 - Ear Training Technique
09 - Relative Pitch Identification Drill
10 - Effortless Listening
11 - Interval Singing Drill

Lesson 16

01 - Introduction
02 - All Inversions Lesson-Drill: Inversions
03 - Synthesizer Drills: 1) Inversions
04 - Synthesizer Drills: Special Instructions
05 - Synthesizer Drills: 2) Moving Inversions

Lesson 17

01 - Introduction
02 - Procedure
03 - Exam: 1) Spelling
04 - Exam: 2) Relative Pitch Identification
05 - Exam: 3) Interval Singing
06 - Exam: 4) Lightning Round
07 - Exam: 5) Major & Minor Inversions
08 - Exam: 6) Inversions: Sound & Spelling
09 - Conclusion of Level Two

* * * LEVEL 3 (Lessons 18 to 25) * * *

Lesson 18

01 - Introduction
02 - Various
03 - Diminished Fifth Chords (Flat Five Chords)
04 - Chords: Open & Close Position
05 - Keynotes (Home Base)
06 - Keynotes & Degrees
07 - Drill: Keynotes, Degrees & Inversions - Part 1
08 - Drill: Note on Drill
09 - Drill: Keynotes, Degrees & Inversions - Part 2
10 - Drilling Points & Homework (m7)
11 - Correct Spellings: Diminished Fifth Chords
12 - Correct Spellings: Minor Sevenths

Lesson 19

01 - Introduction
02 - Spelling Test: Minor Sevenths
03 - Sound Test: Minor Sevenths
04 - Spelling Test: Flat Five (Diminished Fifth)
05 - Music Theory & Notation
06 - Lightning Rounds: Major, Minor, Diminished, Augmented
07 - Mixed P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2, M6, m6, m7, PO & PU
08 - Drilling Technique & Homework (M7)
09 - Correct Spellings: Major Sevenths

Lesson 20

01 - Introduction
02 - Spelling Test: Major Sevenths
03 - Sound Test: Major Sevenths
04 - Lightning Rounds: Sevenths
05 - Mixed P5, P4, M3, m3, M2, m2, M6, m6, M7, m7, PO & PU
06 - The Purpose of Relative Pitch Ear Training
07 - Augmented Fourths: Outwitting the "Devil in Music"
08 - Correct Spellings: Augmented Fourths (Tritones)
09 - Star Spangled Banner Assignment

Lesson 21

01 - Introduction
02 - How to Take Music Out of Your Head
03 - "Error Free" Listening
04 - Lightning Round: All Mixed (including Augmented Fourths)
05 - Inversions
06 - New Drill Procedure

Lesson 22

01 - Introduction
02 - Spelling Test: Augmented Fourths
03 - Sound Test: Augmented Fourths
04 - Lightning Round: P4, P5, Tritones
05 - Compound Intervals: Ninths, Tenths, Elevenths, Twelfths, Thirteenths
06 - Lightning Round: All Mixed
07 - Synthesizer Lightning Round
08 - Comments & Homework (M9)

Lesson 23

01 - Introduction
02 - Test: Major Ninths
03 - Lightning Round All Mixed
04 - Stabilization of a Powerful Ear
05 - Taking Music Out of Your Head
06 - Stepwise Motion - Spelling
07 - Relative Pitch Identification Drill
08 - Comments & Homework (m9)

Lesson 24

01 - Introduction
02 - Test: Minor Ninths
03 - Augmented Octaves
04 - Miscellaneous Notes on Intervals & Theoretical Intervals
05 - Exam Prep
06 - Dominant Seventh Chords
07 - Lightning Round: Major, Minor, Augmented, Diminished, Dominant Seventh Chords
08 - Relative Pitch Identification Drill: Part 1
09 - Relative Pitch Identification Drill: Part 2
10 - Major & Minor Inversions - Open & Close Position
11 - Instructions
12 - Lightning Round: All Mixed
13 - Instructions

Lesson 25

01 - Introduction
02 - Mini-Test: Theoretical Intervals
03 - Chords: Sound & Spelling - Major, Minor, Augmented, Diminished, Dominant Seventh Chords
04 - Synthesizer Lightning Round: All Mixed with M9 & m9
05 - Exam: Part 1, Chords (Singing)
06 - Exam: Part 2, Musical Dictation
07 - Dictation Examples
08 - Answers to Exam, Part 2
09 - Conclusion of Level 3

* * * LEVEL 4 (Lessons 26 to 33) * * *

Lesson 26

01 - Introduction
02 - Talks: 1) Stabilization of Relative Pitch: The Simplicity of Musical Perception & the Secret to Speel Decognition of Tones
03 - Talks: 2) How Perfect Pitch & Relative Pitch Work Together (Grand Pitch Awareness)
04 - Ear Training Technique: Learning the Broad Cross Section
05 - Dominant Seventh Inversions (with Third Inversion - "Dominant 2")
06 - Lightning Round: Dominant Seventh Chords
07 - Listening Technique
08 - Preparation for Stability Tests

Lesson 27

01 - Introduction
02 - Stability Test Procedures
03 - Stability Test: P5
04 - Major Scales: Essential Foundations for Ear Awareness
05 - Lightning Round: Scale Degrees
06 - Drill: Dominant Sevenths - Part 1
07 - Drill: Dominant Sevenths - Part 2

Lesson 28

01 - Introduction
02 - Stability Test: P4
03 - Correct Spellings: Major Scales
04 - The Value of Scale Spellings
05 - The Circle of Fifths
06 - Music: The Finest of the Fine Arts
07 - The Value of Scale Degrees
08 - Lightning Round: Scale Degrees - Part 1 (Degree)
09 - Lightning Round: Scale Degrees - Part 2 (Name)

Lesson 29

01 - Introduction
02 - Stability Test: M3
03 - Lightning Rounds: Scale Degrees - Part 1 (Degree)
04 - Lightning Rounds: Scale Degrees - Part 2 (Name)
05 - Perfect Pitch & Relative Pitch Working Together
06 - Transposition
07 - New Practice Routine for Lesson 30
08 - Ear Training Technique
09 - Seventh Chords
10 - Chord Drill: M7, m7, m M7, Dom7

Lesson 30

01 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - C
02 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - C Sharp
03 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - D Flat
04 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - D
05 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - E Flat
06 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - E
07 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - F
08 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - F
09 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - F Sharp
10 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - G Flat
11 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - G
12 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - A Flat
13 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - A
14 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - B Flat
15 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - B
16 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees - C Flat
17 - Listening Technique

Lesson 31

01 - Introduction
02 - Stability Test: m3
03 - Listening Technique: Speed Recognition of Chords
04 - Lightning Rounds: M7, m7, m/M7, Dom7 - Arpeggios
05 - Relative Pitch Chord "Color"
06 - Chords
07 - Lightning Round: All Chords
08 - Chord Degrees
09 - Diatonic Tones
10 - Lightning Round: Chord Degrees (Root Position)

Lesson 32

01 - Introduction
02 - Stability Test
03 - Augmented Dominant Seventh Chords (Dom7#5)
04 - Altered Chords
05 - Diminished Minor Seventh Chords (m7flat5)
06 - Diminished Seventh Chords
07 - Half Dinimished & Full Diminished Sevenths
08 - Preparation for Drill
09 - Drills: Altered Seventh Arpeggios
10 - Chords
11 - Lightning Round: All Seventh Chords
12 - The Key to Chord Indentification
13 - Chord Progressions

Lesson 33

01 - Introduction
02 - Stability Test: m6
03 - Exam: Bach for Rock (& ALL Musical Styles)
04 - Exam Examples
05 - Instructions for Exam Answers
06 - Analysis: Following the Flow of Music by Ear
07 - The 8 Essential Perceptions for the Established Musical Ear

* * * LEVEL 5 (Lessons 34 to 41) * * *

Lesson 34

01 - Introduction
02 - Stability Test: M2 & m2
03 - Analysis of Bach: Following the Flow of Music by Ear
04 - Pivot Chords & Changing Chords
05 - Borrowed Chords
06 - Progression & Modulation

Lesson 35

01 - Introduction
02 - Stability Test m7
03 - Conclusion of Bach Assignment: The Ranges of Relative Pitch & Perfect Pitch
04 - Lightning Rounds: Chord Degrees - 1) Root Position
05 - Lightning Rounds: Chord Degrees - 2) First Inversion
06 - Lightning Rounds: Chord Degrees - 3) Second Inversion
07 - Listening Technique: 1) Roots & Bass Notes
08 - Listening Technique: 2) Second Inversion One Chords
09 - Listening Technique: 3) Five Chords, Seven Chords, & Dominant Seventh Chords
10 - Suspended Fourth Chords
11 - Sixth Chords
12 - Notation of Chords
13 - Lightning Rounds: 1) Sus4, M6, m6 Chords
14 - Lightning Rounds: 2) Seventh Chords
15 - Lightning Rounds: 3) Sixth, Seventh & Suspended Fourth (Sus4) Chords
16 - Chord Spelling, Playing & Singing Assignment

Lesson 36

01 - Introduction
02 - Stability Test: M7
03 - Minor Scales
04 - Relative Major & Minor Keys (Tonalities)
05 - Natural Minor
06 - Harmonic Minor
07 - Melodic Minor
08 - Add 9 & 6 9 Chords
09 - Minor Suspended Fourth Chords
10 - Drilling Technique
11 - Lightning Round: Sixth, Add 9, 6/9, Sus4 Chords
12 - Dominant Seventh Flat Five Chords
13 - Lightning Round: All Seventh Chords
14 - Listening Technique

Lesson 37

01 - Introduction
02 - Equal-Tempered and Just Tuning Systems
03 - The Three Essentials for Singing in Perfect Tune
04 - Stability Test: #4
05 - Major & Minor Ninth Chords
06 - Lightning Round M9 & m9 Chords
07 - Dominant 9, Dominant Flat 9 & Dominant #9
08 - Lightning Rounds: Dom9, Dom Flat 9, Dom #9
09 - Lightning Rounds: Ninth Chords
10 - Lightning Rounds: Ninth Chords with Add 9 & 6/9 Chords

Lesson 38

01 - Introduction
02 - Minor Scales in Comtemporary Music
03 - Drill Instructions
04 - Drill: Minor Scale Degrees
05 - Lightning Rounds: Seventh & Fourth Chords
06 - Lightning Rounds: Ninth & Sixth Chords
07 - Voicings, EXtensions & Omitted Tomes
08 - Eleventh Chords
09 - Lightning Round: Eleventh Chords

Lesson 39

01 - Introduction
02 - Borrowed Dominants
03 - Cadences: Full, Half, Plagal, Deceptive, flat VII-I (Lowered Seven-One), flat VI-flat VII-I (Lowered Six-Seven-One)
04 - Picardy Thirds
05 - Pedal Point
06 - Drill: Progressions (Cadences)
07 - Thirteenth Chords
08 - Lightning Round: M13, m13, Dom13

Lesson 40

01 - Introduction (All Chord Lesson)
02 - How to Label Any Chord You Hear
03 - Drills: Three-Note Chords - Melodic
04 - Drills: Three-Note Chords - Harmonic
05 - Drills: Four-Note Chords - Melodic
06 - Drills: Four-Note Chords - Harmonic
07 - Lightning Rounds: Seventh & Fourth Chords
08 - Lightning Rounds: Ninth & Sixth Chords
09 - Lightning Rounds: Eleventh & Thirteenth Chords
10 - Lightning Rounds: All Chords
11 - Lightning Rounds: All Chords - Synthesizer
12 - Final Assignment

Lesson 41

01 - Introduction - Day of Established Relative Pitch
02 - Final Exam
03 - Main Piece
04 - Arrangement
05 - Answers: Main Piece
06 - Answers: Arrangement
07 - Final Talk & Notes

Genesis – Seconds out [1977]

Artist: Genesis
Album: Seconds out
Genre: Progressive rock
Year: 1977
Covers: Front /back/inside
Quality: 320kbps / 44,1kHz / Joint Stereo
File: 183mb

Track List:
Disc 1

1. Squonk
2. Carpet Crawl - Genesis, Genesis
3. Robbery, Assault and Battery
4. Afterglow
5. Firth of Fifth
6. I Know What I Like
7. Lamb Dies Down on Broadway
8. Musical Box (Closing Section)

Disc 2
1. Supper's Ready
2. Cinema Show
3. Dance on a Volcano
4. Endos

