quinta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2014

BIAS Desktop v1. WiN MAC

BIAS Desktop v1. WiN MAC

BIAS Desktop v1. WiN MAC, pc windows vst plugins rtas mac osx plugins au for mac aax plugins, Win , Professional , Fixed , EGG , Desktop , BIAS, Magesy.be
  • BIAS Desktop v1. WiN MAC

    P2P/EGG | Dec 21 2014 | WiN: 263,18 MB | MAC: 449 MB

    Add MAC Version And Global Presets

    BIAS Desktop is the world’s most accurate, thorough and versatile guitar-amp modeler and designer. Its advanced amp-modeling engine captures the warmth and feel of real tube amps in every aspect, component by component. To start, the plug-in includes 36 authentic models of the most sought-after vintage and modern amps in rock ‘n’ roll history. Easily modify amp models by swapping out the tubes, preamp, transformer, tone stacks, cab and mic with simple mouse clicks to create your own custom amps and unique signature sound.

Tone Walkthrough

sexta-feira, 4 de julho de 2014

Twin Delay VST-free

VST | 2.67 MB
Twin Delay is a VST plugin designed for emulation of digital and analogue delay effects. The program is not an exact copy of already existing hardware-based equipment, nevertheless it can be used for producing a majority of popular effects, as well as some modulation and 'unusual' effects, for instance Flanger, Metallizer. Special attention have been given to analogue delay algorithms, that make it possible to create beautiful and original sounds, frequently used in such genres as IDM, Experimental, Breaks and especially Dub, as well as genres that use Dub elements: Dub techno, Dubstep, Dubwise and so on.

segunda-feira, 30 de junho de 2014


Este é um blog sobre música feita com  participação substancial da guitarra.
Não gosto de misturar isso com politica e afins mas, pelo que tem acontecido ultimamente, não há como ficar alheio.
Desde crimes até as tentativas de solaparem a democracia, os absurdos que acontecem no dia a dia do Brasil espantam pela falta de vergonha. Estivéssemos num país sério e este governo, que tem a Papuda como sua casa de verão, já teria sido apeado do poder.
Reproduzo uma noticia que li no site de Reinaldo Azevedo, jornalista que é odiado pelos petistas mas que não é confrontado intelectualmente.


O cantor, compositor e colunista Lobão: retrato de um tempo numa canção
O cantor, compositor e colunista Lobão: retrato de um tempo numa canção
Vamos lá. O cantor e compositor Lobão, também colunista da VEJA, é um dos nove “malditos” que foram parar na lista negra do PT, assinada por Alberto Cantalice, vice-presidente do partido, divulgada no site oficial da legenda e propagada pelos blogs sujos, financiados por estatais. É a verticalização da infâmia, que os fascistoides costumam promover quando chegam ao poder: o estado, o partido e as milícias atuam como ordem unida. Só para lembrar: os outros oito da lista somos eu, Augusto Nunes, Diogo Mainardi, Demétrio Magnoli, Arnaldo Jabor, Guilherme Fiuza, Marcelo Madureira e Danilo Gentilli. Essa é apenas a fornada inicial do nacional-socialismo petista. Se o partido vencer a eleição, certamente a lista será ampliada. A “Repórteres Sem Fronteiras”, a mais importante entidade internacional de defesa da independência jornalística, expressou o seu repúdio. Janio de Freitas, por sua vez, preferiu repudiar a… “Repórteres Sem Fronteiras”. Entenderam?
Adiante! Lobão fez uma música retratando, digamos assim, a alma profunda dos “companheiros” e evidenciando o espírito destes tempos. Chama-se “A Marcha dos Infames”. Ouçam e divulguem. Na sequência, publico a letra e um breve comentário a respeito.


Aqueles que não são
E que jamais serão
Abusam do Poder,
Demência e obsessão.

Insistem em atacar
Com as chagas abertas do rancor,
E aos incautos fazer crer
Que seu ódio no peito é amor

Tanto martírio em vão,
Estupro da nação,
Até quando esse sonho ruim,
esse pesadelo sem fim?

Apedrejando irmãos
E os que não são iguais,
A destruição é a fé,
E a morte e a vida, banais.

E um céu sem esperança,
A Infâmia cobriu,
Com o manto da ignorância,
O desastre que nos pariu.

E o sangue dos ladrões
De outros carnavais
Na veia de vilões,
tratados como heróis.

E até quando ouvir
Cretinos e boçais
Mentir, mentir, mentir,
Eternamente mentir?

Mas o dia chegará
Em que o chão da Pátria irá tremer,
E o que não é não mais será
Em nome do povo, o Poder.


Adequando o comentário a estes dias, gol de placa de Lobão, na letra e na melodia! Reparem que o autor recorre a uma marcha propriamente, de caráter marcial mesmo, evidenciando o espírito da soldadesca sem uniforme do petismo — afinal, essa gente é uniformizada por dentro, não é mesmo?
Na letra — que, é claro!, faz uma denúncia da maior gravidade —, Lobão apela a um tom a um só tempo grandiloquente e meio farsesco, como a evidenciar a truculência cafona e vigarista dos fascistoides de plantão.
Há dois trechos que chamam particularmente a minha atenção:

E o sangue dos ladrões
De outros carnavais
Na veia de vilões,
tratados como heróis.

Na mosca! O poder, hoje, no Brasil mistura o sangue do velho patriomonialismo — que forjou ao menos uns dois séculos de atraso — com o do novo patrimonialismo, que pretende liderar o atraso dos séculos vindouros. E gosto particularmente da última estrofe:

Mas o dia chegaráEm que o chão da Pátria irá tremer,E O-QUE-NÃO-É não mais seráEm nome do povo, o Poder.
Tomei a liberdade de escrever em maiúsculas e usando hífen “O-QUE-NÃO-É”. É preciso que se entendam essas palavras como uma unidade semântica para que se perceba o seu caráter de sujeito do verbo “será”. “O-QUE-NÃO-É” dispensa predicativos; trata-se do falso, do engodo, da trapaça histórica, da vigarice, da mentira em si.
Divulguem por todos os meios a música de Lobão. Aí está o retrato de uma era. É uma canção de protesto destes tempos. Afinal, os “protestadores” de carteirinha do passado — Chico & Seus Miquinhos Amestrados” — estão calados diante de listas negras. Eles criavam metáforas contra a ditadura militar no passado não porque fossem, por princípio, contra ditaduras e perseguições. Opunham-se àquela ditadura em particular, mas não a outras. E julgavam que o regime não podia perseguir “as pessoas erradas”. Quando persegue “as certas”, tudo bem!
Não por acaso, nunca se opuseram a ditadura cubana. No fim das contas, foi Cuba que os pariu. A música de Lobão expõe farsantes do presente e do passado.
Por Reinaldo Azevedo

quinta-feira, 26 de junho de 2014

Sete episódios infames desmoralizam a ladainha da seita que louva a hipocrisia

Sete episódios infames desmoralizam a ladainha da seita que louva a hipocrisia

Do blog de Augusto Nunes

As oitavas de final já vão chegando, mas o time do Planalto continua tentando prorrogar o jogo de abertura da Copa, que terminou com a vitória do Brasil sobre a Croácia e a goleada sonora imposta a Dilma Rousseff pela multidão cansada de vigarices e bandalheiras protagonizadas pela seita lulopetista. Lula cobra dos adversários gestos de subserviência explícita à mãe e avó constrangida por xingamentos. Rui Falcão exige que os candidatos oposicionistas condenem (e com veemência) o comportamento dos 50 mil brasileiros que recomendaram à chefe de governo, em coro, o que todas as torcidas, em todos os estádios, invariavelmente ordenam ao juiz ou ao bandeirinha.
Haja hipocrisia, grita o calendário da infâmia resumido neste post. Pinçados no vastíssimo acervo de violências liberticidas acumuladas pelo PT desde o dia do nascimento, sete episódios bastam para escancarar o farisaísmo das carpideiras do Itaquerão. Por achar que os fins justificam os meios, o bando no poder age há 13 anos como se tudo fosse permitido. Só é proibido alvejar com nomes feios a candidata em queda nas pesquisas e abandonada por antigos aliados, ressalva o mestre e repetem os coroinhas de missa negra. A ladainha é desmoralizada pela amostra exibida a seguir:
MAIO DE 2000Sem perceber que os microfones estavam ligados, Lula se preparava para gravar a declaração de apoio a Fernando Marroni, candidato do PT a prefeito de Pelotas, quando qualificou a cidade gaúcha de “pólo exportador de veados”. Nunca se desculpou pela afronta. O partido não viu nada de mais no deboche homofóbico.

MAIO DE 2000Ao discursar para a tropa companheira, o deputado federal José Dirceu afirmou que os adversários políticos mereciam “apanhar nas ruas e nas urnas”. Dias depois da instrução expedida pelo presidente do PT, milicianos destacados para agitar a greve dos professores agrediram fisicamente o governador Mário Covas, já debilitado pelo câncer. Dirceu desmente ter dito o que disse no vídeo. Lula criticou Covas por ter aparecido no portão de um prédio público. O PT não viu nada de mais no monumento à violência.

JUNHO DE 2007Alguns jornalistas perguntaram a Marta Suplicy, à época acampada no Ministério do Turismo, se tinha algum conselho a oferecer aos milhares de passageiros atormentados pelo colapso da aviação civil. “Relaxa e goza”, sugeriu a companheira. Marta diria depois que “estava brincando” com os flagelados dos aeroportos. O PT não viu nada de mais no surto de humor da sexóloga em recesso.

JULHO DE 2007Ao lado de um assessor, em sua sala no Palácio do Planalto, Marco Aurélio Garcia soube pelo Jornal Nacional que a explosão do avião da TAM que matou 199 pessoas no aeroporto de Congonhas fora provocada por problemas mecânicos. O chanceler para assuntos cucarachas comemorou a notícia, que isentava o governo de culpas, com um obsceno toptoptop filmado por um cinegrafista. Garcia não pediu desculpas sequer aos parentes dos mortos. O PT não viu nada de mais no espetáculo da boçalidade.

FEVEREIRO DE 2013Numa livraria em São Paulo, onde faria uma palestra seguida de uma sessão de autógrafos, a jornalista cubana Yoani Sánchez foi sitiada por manifestantes que, berrando insultos, cassaram o direito de expressão da mulher que se opõe à ditadura comunista. O evento foi cancelado pelos organizadores. O PT não viu nada de mais na agressão liberticida.

FEVEREIRO DE 2014O companheiro paranaense André Vargas, vice-presidente da Câmara, aproveitou a abertura do ano legislativo para insultar o ministro Joaquim Barbosa, presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Durante a cerimônia, o relator do processo do mensalão teve de ignorar as provocações do parlamentar a seu lado, que erguia o punho cerrado para solidarizar-se publicamente com os quadrilheiros engaiolados na Papuda. O PT não viu nada demais na ofensa intolerável ao chefe do Poder Judiciário. Vargas só foi expulso depois que a Polícia Federal descobriu os laços repulsivos que o vinculam à lavanderia de dólares do bandido Alberto Yousseff.

ABRIL DE 2014Escoltado por duas militantes, Rodrigo Grassi, assessor parlamentar da deputada companheira Érika Kokay, perseguiu Joaquim Barbosa numa avenida em Brasília, berrando termos ofensivos ao ministro do STF e palavras de ordem simpáticas aos quadrilheiros do mensalão. As imagens foram gravadas pelos próprios agressores. Pressionada pelo Brasil decente, a deputada teve de livrar-se do delinquente que sustentava. O PT achou muito compreensível a missão cumprida por Grassi.

Num comentário enviado à coluna, meu velho amigo Gonçalo Osório precisou de poucas linhas para desmontar a ópera dos farsantes. “O primeiro a insultar a instituição da Presidência da República foi Lula. E o PT é o responsável pelo constante desrespeito a normas jurídicas, a decisões judiciais, ao mínimo decoro, à ordem, à ética e ao respeito que deve haver entre adversários políticos. O lulopetismo fez o que pôde para criar no Brasil antagonismos de classe, de raça, de religião, de ideologia. O que Dilma ouviu no Itaquerão é apenas consequência”.
Assustados com a paisagem eleitoral cada vez mais perturbadora para o poste do Planalto, os semeadores de ódios fantasiar-se de apóstolos da paz. São tão convincentes quanto um dono de bordel indignado com a filha do vizinho que usa saias dois centímetros acima dos joelhos.

terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2014

Plektron Guitar Amp 2 v2.2-R2R

Plektron Guitar Amp 2 v2.2-R2R

TEAM R2R 2014.05.06 | 66.29 MB
Guitar amp 2 offers wide set of amplifiers and effects. Using it is simple and intuitive due to its drag and drop system, you have just to drag a module in the rack to create your customize effect's chain. If it is the right sound, you can save your own set! Plug your guitar to the audio board and start Guitar Amp 2 in stand alone mode, or just record in your favourite VST host with the plug-in version.


9 Original Amplifiers with matched cabinet
Over 40 Effects modules
Over 200 presets and easy managing banks
Full midi learn functions
Simple to use
Standalone application or VST plug-in
High quality stereo processing
Drag and drop modular effects' rack
Internal automated controls
Synthetizer module, audio-to-midi controlled
Wave player, tuner and many other tools

What's new in Guitar Amp 2.2?

- Optimized preset manager
- Added presets bank
- Fast preset changing
- Added a new overdrive module for guitar and bass "WSU"
- Added Portamento in synth module
- Minor bug fixes
- New presets in banks

segunda-feira, 5 de maio de 2014

Schwa Oligarc Bundle VST v1.00.01 WiN-DA_2M

Schwa Oligarc Bundle VST v1.00.01 WiN-DA_2M

  • Schwa Oligarc Bundle VST v1.00.01 WiN

    Team-DA_2M | April, 2008 | 8 MB

    Oligarc is a collection of four world class virtual analog FX, tied together by a modulation nerve center that converts the input audio into control signals that can be routed to most of the effect knobs. Oligarc can be an LFO-driven filter, an envelope-controlled phaser, a gate-triggered saturation effect, or anything else you can think up, including mad combinations of linked modulation of multiple effects at once. In addition, the Oligarc package contains standalone versions of the Drive, Phaser, and Chorus effects, for more traditional usage — although there’s nothing traditional about these effects.

     Schwa Oligarc Bundle VST v1.00.01 WiN-DA_2M

Schwa Oligarc Filter VST v1.00.00 WiN-DA_2M

Schwa Oligarc Filter VST v1.00.00 WiN-DA_2M

  • Schwa Oligarc Filter VST v1.00.00 WiN

    Team-DA_2M | May, 2008 | 1.98 MB

    Oligarc Filter is a sophisticated emulation of a classic analog ladder filter complete with nonlinearity, instability, character, good looks, and danger.

    • Resonant Filter: lowpass (bludgeon) / wide bandpass (cleaver) / narrow
    • bandpass (scalpel).
    • Brickwall Limiter: Engages a soft-clipping limiter to protect your delicate
    • organic structures.
    • Fully MIDI-controllable.

     Schwa Oligarc Filter VST v1.00.00 WiN-DA_2M

sábado, 22 de março de 2014

AudioStorm LiveProfessor v1.1.2 x86

AudioStorm LiveProfessor v1.1.2 x86 | 10.1 MB

LiveProfessor is designed to be an effect rack of VST-plugins and we have created it specifically with live sound in mind.
The concept is very simple, yet extremely flexible. Using a ASIO audio card you can route inputs and outputs through your VST-plugins in any order and way you like.
The program supports snapshots of all settings, for easy switching between songs. LiveProfessor also has advanced MIDI routing and manipulation features, and can be controlled using hardware controllers or Midi Show Control.

Live oriented plugin host.

Supports virtually unlimited number of VST 3.x plugins and instruments.
Runs on XP Vista and Win 7.
Choice of audio hardware is totally up to the user.

Flexible audio routing

LiveProfessor has a very flexible routing system, you can route audio anyway you like.
There is summing on each plugin input, so you can have more then one source go to the same input.
Plugin outputs can be split to any number of destinations (including other plugins) and the physical outputs can have as many sources as you want.

Snapshot automation

LiveProfessor has extensive snapshot automation. Choose between snapshots that recall individual plugins or global snapshots that recall the entire state of a project.

Both types have filters that let you choose which functions should be recalled. This allows you to recall only some settings without changing parameters you need to tweak manually during the performance.

Cue lists

The cue list helps you change LiveProfessor’s settings during a performance.
A cue list is made up of cues containing one or more Actions.
Examples of actions are recalling a snapshot, changing the audio patch, sending midi messages, changing tempo, etc. Typically you have one or more cues pr. Song and step thru the list during the show to recall the right settings for each song.

Midi Modifiers

Each plugin has a set of powerful Midi Modifiers. These are especially useful for keyboard players, with functions such as transpose, key-zone and filter.

Hardware controllers

LiveProfessor has an extensive system for using hardware controllers to control plugin parameters and program functions.
We have tried to make the system as flexible as possible, but at the same time making it quick and easy to use.
In addition each control can be tweaked to respond just the way you like.
Midi clock and MIDI show control

The cue lists can be controlled usingMIDI show control enabling you to control LiveProfessor from an external device. For example you could trigger the cue list from the snapshot list of a digital mixer or a show control systems such as Qlab.


The library lets you save and organize snapshots or other pieces of a setup and re-use them in later projects.


The window layout can be saved and recalled either manually, in a cue or as part of a snapshot.

sexta-feira, 21 de março de 2014

Tempo . . .


Joe Satriani - Black Swans and Wormhole Wizards Songbook
Cherry Lane Music| 987-1-60378-312-5 | PDF | 95 pages | 59 Mb
The Play It Like It Is series features authentic note-for-note transcriptions of guitar music taken directly off recordings. This series features some of the greatest guitar players and groups. Every book contains notes and tablature.Satch says of his 14th studio CD, "I realized that what I had written were my artistic black swans songs that my audience probably might not expect. And truthfully, a lot of them took me by surprise as well." Here are transcriptions in notes & tab for all 11 tunes on this delightful, genre-crossing departure: Dream Song * God Is Crying * The Golden Room * Light Years Away * Littleworth Lane * Premonition * Pyrrhic Victoria * Solitude * Two Sides to Every Story * Wind in the Trees * Wormhole Wizards.
Uploaded link:

Rapidgator link:


segunda-feira, 17 de março de 2014

Steinberg WARP v1.002 VST

Steinberg WARP v1.002 VST
Warp VST | OLD | 2002 | 1.41 MB

Warp VST offers the legendary Jazz Chorus Clean sound, the unrivalled dynamics of a 60s Plexi Tube Head and the modern HiGain chunk sound of the Rectifier era. These can be combined with three speaker cabinets, the Combo (12″ speaker, open housing), British (4×12″ cab with 80s speakers) and the Greenback (4×12″ cab, vintage sound). Every amp can be used with any cabinet
Warp VST – real-time, pure guitar sound on your PC.
Three virtual amps: Jazz Chorus, Plexi Tube Head, Warp Rectified
Three virtual speakers: Combo cabinet, 4×12″ British cabinet, 4×12″ Greenback Cabinet
Authentic dynamics
Perfect reproduction of all parameters that form the sound |
Full automation
Extremely low latency thanks to Steinberg’s ASIO technology (with appropriate hardware)


quarta-feira, 12 de março de 2014

Jam Origin MIDI Guitar v1.0.0 STANDLONE VST

Jam Origin MIDI Guitar v1.0.0 STANDLONE VST WiN-R2R


    Jam Origin MIDI Guitar v1.0.0 WiN

    Team R2R | 2013.12.18 | 30.20 MB

    What is MIDI Guitar?

    MIDI Guitar is a revolutionary piece of software that converts your guitars analog signal into MIDI, making it possible to use your standard guitar as a MIDI controller/ MIDI keyboard. Play your favorite software synthesizers/samplers with your guitar. MIDI Guitar is the worlds first low latency, polyphonic software solution, allowing you to play both chords and single notes with instant audio feedback.

    Traditionally guitarists have had to seek out expensive custom hardware to be able to use a guitar as a MIDI controller, either hardware that needs that to be physically attached to the guitar or dedicated guitar synthesizer hardware. MIDI Guitar removes the need for any kind of specialized hardware beside a standard guitar interface to connect your guitar to your computer. Just connect your guitar and let MIDI Guitar do the rest.
    MIDI Guitar comes in two variants, a standalone application that supports hosting of VST/Audio instruments and effects that be used without any additional software installed and a VST/AudioUnit variant that can be used in with your favorite Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software.
    Join many guitarists around the world and try MIDI Guitar today. Download the free trial where you can try all the features included in the full version and use it unlimited with the built-in samplers and synthesizers. When using the trial version with MIDI output and VST/AudioUnit plugins the recognition will be interrupted occasionally, but it still fully functional. Upgrade to the full version to explore a new musical experience without interruptions.

    Jam Origin MIDI Guitar v1.0.0 STANDLONE VST WiN-R2R

domingo, 2 de março de 2014

Overloud TH2 v2.2.14 x64 USB

  Overloud TH2 v2.2.14 x64 USB | 40.73 MB
Portable Standalone
Imagine you have a tool to express your talent with the best tone ever. Imagine people listening to your guitar tracks and saying "wow! how did you get that killer tone?!"
Imagine you have more than 160 models including Randall®, THD® and Brunetti® amplifiers. And that these, for the first time in software form, cannot be distinguished from the real ones. That's Overloud TH2.

Key Features
Randall®, Brunetti® and THD® authorized modeling, with models approved by original manufacturers
45 amplifier channels with 125 operating modes
4th generation analog emulation technology
3D, gapless positioning of microphones
Advanced cabinet emulations with ReSPiRe 2 technology
SLR technology allows morphing between two amplifiers
Advanced preset management
Easy to build or modify your own signal path
Revolutionary GUI, host or MIDI real-time control via Smart Controls

4th generation tube and analog emulation engine
EXCLUSIVE - SLR technology morphs between amps for an infinite sound canvas
EXCLUSIVE - 3D gapless positioning of microphones in front of cabinets
EXCLUSIVE - Cabinets feature ReSPiRe 2 technology, with back and angled microphones
EXCLUSIVE - VariFire, a gain-character control for expanded distortion color control
BREVERB and SprigAge basedreverb effects
Global sound-influencing controls
Easy and intelligent stereo handling: true stereo in to out capabilities

Ease Of Use
Easy to understand and modify signal path
In-line high quality Tuner
Compact view Live mode
Advanced memory management
16 Factory Banks with 135 Sound presets and 634 Variations within those

Easy to configure, full MIDI Program and Bank Change control
Smart Controls open up new, convenient ways of controlling and tweaking your sounds without getting in the way of creativity
MIDI control of Smart Controls and presets

And More...
Very low CPU usage
Plug-in or Standalone mode
45 amplifier Channels and 125 operating Modes
29 Cabinets
18 Microphones: you have your choice of Dynamic, Ribbon, and Condenser microphones, with up to four microphones for each cabinet!
Studio Ambience reverb can be added in proportion to the distance of the microphone from the speakers
70 stomp boxes, pedals and rack effects
Parameters can be synchronized to the host tempo, internal BPM with any time division or millisecond
Local and Global Tap buttons

AmpliTube Usb

 AmpliTube Usb Repack | 241.97 MB
 Portable Usb Version
 AmpliTube is a plug-in for guitar players allowing them to simulate the entire guitar array used to craft any guitar tone including amplifier, stomp-boxes and post effects modeling.
 - Windows and Mac OS X Plug-in and Standalone application
- Supported Plug-in formats: Audio Units, VST, RTAS (Mac OS X) û VST, RTAS (Windows)
 - 5 separate modules: Tuner, Stomp effects Pedalboard, Amp Head, Cabinet + Microphones, post Rack effects
 - Over 160 included gear models
 - 51 Stompbox effects
 - 31 Amp models
 - 46 Cabinet emulations
 - 15 Studio Microphone models
 - 17 Rack effects
 - High-precision Tuner
 - Cabinet module with two freely movable microphones and cabinet size control
 - Room ambience with microphones' stereo width control
 - Ultra accurate analog modeling with DSM technology
 - Ultra realistic cabinet emulation with VRM technology
 - 2 series/parallel rigs with 8 configurations, selectable mono/stereo input and true stereo processing
 - Drag & Drop functionality in the Stomp and Rack modules for quick effects re-arrangement
 - Advanced preset browser with guitar/bass dedicated keywords plus user keywords and smart search function
 - Global and single gear presets
 - Easy to set, one click best quality/performance settings
 - Host/DAW BPM synchronization
 - Freely assignable DAW automation
 - Up to 96 kHz supported sampling rate
 - Can be directly expanded with more "Powered by AmpliTube" software like AmpliTube Fender and Ampeg« SVX
 - One click MIDI CTL assignment, compatible with any standard MIDI controller
 - Direct integration with IK's range of interfaces/controllers like StompIO, StealthPedal, StealthBoard with zero setup needed
 - 4 track recorder/player with independent time stretch/pitch shift (Standalone version)
 - Non destructive recording allows post effect processing of the recorded audio (Standalone version)
 - 2 simultaneous instruments can be processed with independent audio settings (Standalone version)
 - Imports any WAV, AIFF, MP3, and WMA audio file (Standalone version)
 - Metronome with selectable sounds (Standalone version)


Native Instruments Guitar Rig 5 Pro v5.2.0 USB

Native Instruments Guitar Rig 5 Pro v5.2.0
Complete USB | 506.81 MB

Portable Standalone
GUITAR RIG 5 PRO is the ultimate software solution for perfect custom tone with more amps, more effects and more creative potential than ever before, all in a powerful and intuitive virtual effects rack.
Guitar Rig 5.2.0:

- Advanced integration in Maschine 2.0 host software.
- Support for AAX 64.
- Support for .ogg on OS X 64-bit.
- Several fixes and enhancements.

JamVOX v3.0.3 USB-BEAT


VOX JamVOX v3.0.3 USB | 36.93 MB
Portable Standalone
JamVOX has been newly reborn as the "JamVOX III" stand-alone software. Offering dramatically evolved features plus an even more sophisticated GXT function – the new GXT III – JamVOX III provides significantly more precision and operability. There's also an even easier-to-use interface, and a movie recording function, making JamVOX III the ideal choice for enjoyably playing your guitar, learning songs by ear, practicing, or producing music.






sexta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2014

Jimi Hendrix 12 string blues


quarta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2014

IK Multimedia AmpliTube 3 Complete v3.11.2

Name: IK.Multimedia.AmpliTube.3.Complete.v3.11.2.Incl.Keygen-R2R
Release Date: 18/02/2014
Size: 277 MB


AmpliTube 3 is the world’s leading Guitar and Bass tone-creation software. Period. No other software product in the music industry even comes close to the selection, performance and overall sonic accuracy when it comes to creating guitar and bass tones with a computer. Now, that’s a mighty big mouthful of brag, but a wise old country gentleman once told me, “Hey, it ain’t bragging if it’s true.” Here’s how we back it up

Sonic accuracy: it's a matter of trust

While 235 pieces of gear may sound impressive, the most impressive thing is the sound of that gear. Our patented technologies allow us to create the most realistic sounding models on the planet — so realistic in fact, that the world's leading manufacturers of amplifiers and stompboxes choose us to create digital models of the gear that bears their names. We’re talking iconic, world-class brands such as Fender, Ampeg, Orange, Soldano, Seymour Duncan, T-Rex, Jet City and more, which have exclusively teamed up with IK to offer an ultra-accurate reproduction of their gear for the AmpliTube range.

Infinite expansion: The Custom Shop

AmpliTube 3 is the only guitar and bass tone software that gives you the ability to add gear to your virtual collection one piece at a time. This is our Custom Shop feature and it’s truly visionary because now you can buy only the gear you want or need. And we’re constantly adding new gear to the mix with more hardware manufacturers partnering with us to bring their gear to your virtual world. Pretty awesome when you think about it — just like shopping at your music store, but you get to try the gear for 72 hours before you buy it, and there’s no sales guy pressuring you.

Guitarist • Bassist • Producer • Engineer

Whatever your specialty, you’ll find AmpliTube an extremely valuable and flexible tool, expanding your creative palette with some of the world’s most sought after gear. AmpliTube 3 can be used as a sophisticated multi-effects processor in its standalone version that you can integrate into your live rig thanks to its instantaneous preset switching. AmpliTube is also a plug-in for your DAW for live tracking or re-amping guitar and bass tracks, or for having an arsenal of vintage and modern effects to apply also on synthesizers and instruments, vocals, drum tracks and more.

The following amps are included in Amplitube 3



Rapidgator: http://rapidgator.net/file....ar.html

Billionuploads: http://billionuploads.com/s2q2vpj8jtb3

FreakShare: http://freakshare.com/files....ar.html

Mega: https://mega.co.nz/#!WMwDS....-QY8nCg

quinta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2014

sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2014

unface it....

domingo, 2 de fevereiro de 2014

WOK SIMPSHI Simple Pitch Shifter VST x86 WiN

WOK SIMPSHI Simple Pitch Shifter VST x86 WiN

  • WOK SIMPSHI Simple Pitch Shifter VST x86 WiN magesy.pro

    SIMPSHI Simple Pitch Shifter VST

    P2P | VST | x86 | 10.2 MB

    SimpShi is a simple, free pitch shifter plugin, low on CPU. It is the result of some testing and experimenting, so don’t expect high quality results. It is meant mainly for non-percussive material.

     WOK SIMPSHI Simple Pitch Shifter VST x86 WiN

sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2014

WOK PCH-1 Chorus VST x86 WiN

WOK PCH-1 Chorus VST x86 WiN

  • WOK PCH 1 Chorus VST x86 WiN magesy.pro

    PCH-1 Chorus VST x86 WiN

    P2P | WiN | x86 | 1.2 MB

    PCH-1 Chorus is a vintage sounding chorus plugin. From slight movings in the sound to heavy swirling it has a big range of sound with smallest difficulties in usage: just one knob (and a button to switch it off – but we don’t think you will).

     WOK PCH-1 Chorus VST x86 WiN

segunda-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2014

Dweezil Zappa plays Frank Zappa

Publicado em 12/10/2013
01. Cosmik Debris
02. I'm The Slime
03. Pound For A Brown
04. Don't Eat The Yellow Snow
05. St. Alfonzo's Pancake Breakfast
06. Father O'blivion
07. Inca Roads
08. Peaches En Regalia
09. Montana
10. Village Of The Sun
11. Echidna's Art (Of You)
12. Zombie Woof (unbelievable showcase for Steve Vai)
13. Black Napkins
14. The Torture Never Stops
15. Oh No
16. Son Of Orange County
17. Trouble Every Day
18. Sofa

DVD Left Outs:
- Andy
- Call Any Vegetable
- Florentine Pogen
- Eat That Question
- I'm So Cute
- Tryin' To Grow Chin
- Punky's Whips
- Black Page #1
- Black Page #2
- Regyptian Strut