sábado, 8 de agosto de 2009




Stereo-Delay is a plugIn for the creation of delay- and echo-effects. It provides two independent delay-lines for the
left and the right channel. The delaylines have a feedback-loop with highpass- and lowpass-filter and can also inter-
act via crossfeedback. The delay-times are not specified in seconds or milliseconds, but musically as a note-value.

Pitch-Shifter (version 1.0.0)

Pitch-Shifter is a plugIn for shifting the pitch of the input signal without affecting the overall length. Normally pitch
and length of audio material are coupled - if you simply icrease the playback-tempo, the pitch raises and the length
shortens. Pitch-Shifter uses a delayline-based granular algorithm to decouple the pitch from the length, so that the
overall length of the signal will not be affected (which would not make much sense in a realtime-plugIn anyway)

Shifter-Bank (version 1.0.0)

Shifter-Bank is a plugIn for the creation of several pitch-shifted versions of the input signal. With low shift
-factors (in the range between a few cents and a semitone) you will get effects which are called "unison"
in some synthsizers. The plugIn can therefore be used to create a "fatter" sound. With higher amounts
of pitch-shifting, the effects remind me on effects used on TV to garble voices of persons who want to stay
anonymous. This plugIn - the same as the Pitch-Shifter - works with a delayline-based granulation algorithm.

LPC-Vocoder (version 1.0.0)

LPC-Vocoder is a plugIn for the creation of vocoder-sounds. These are created by superimposing the frequency
-envelope of one signal (the so called analysis- or modulatorsignal) on a second signal (the so called synthesis-
or carriersignal). In the classic vocoder this is achieved by means of an analysis- and a synthesis-filterbank - the
LPC-Vocoder in contrast uses a single adaptive filter which is capable of realizing complex frequency-responses
with many peaks. LPC is an abbriviation of Linear Predictive Coding - a technique in signal processing which can
extract the formants (frequency bands with high amplitude) out of an audio signal. LPC is widely used in the speech
signal processing community, for example to compress the speech for transmission in digital communication systems.

Compressor (version 1.0.1)

Compressor is a plugIn for the reduction of the dynamics of an input signal. Compressors achieve this
goal by analyzing the amplitude envelope of the incoming signal and reducing the gain when the signal
exceeds a certain threshold. This reduces the amplitude of the peaks in the audio signal. Now the signal
can be amplified further without clipping/distortion. So at the end of the day we have a signal in which the
loud parts stay as they are and the quiet parts are amplified. This increases the overall loudness of the signal.

Trance-Gate (version 1.0.0)

Trance-Gate is a plugIn for the creation of gate effects. The opening and closing of the gate is triggered by
incoming MIDI-notes - note on events trigger the opening phase, note-off events trigger the closing phase.
As opposed to gates with a built in step sequencer this has two advantages: first, it gives the user more
flexibility in the rhythmic opening and closing because the user can take full advantage of all MIDI functions
which the chosen sequencer software provides (different note-lengths for each step, changing rythms, etc.).

Auto-Pan (version 1.0.0)

Auto-Pan is a VST-plugIn for the automatic adjustment of the panorama position of the
signal (where "automatic" means LFO-controlled in this case). The LFO is tempo-synchro-
nized and can be triggered either via the graphical user inface or via note-on events

Envelope-Designer (Version 1.0.1)

Envelope-Designer is a plugIn with which you can adjust the realtive amount
of the attack transients and the sutained/release components in a signal.

Stereo-Enhancer (version 1.0.0)

Stereo-Enhancer is a VST-plugIn for the PC-platform for the modification of stereo-width of a
signal. The adjustment can be made for low, mid and high frequencies seperately. The separation
of the frequency-bands is achieved by means of linear-phase FIR-filters. This is, because the
sum of the three filtered (not yet modified) signals should sum up exactly to the original signal.

Psycho-Phaser (version 1.0.0)

Psycho-Phaser is a VST-plugIn for phasing effects. This effect arises, when sending the input signal through a
chain of allpass-filters and mixing that filtered signal with the original signal. An allpass-filters lets all frqeuencies
pass without any attenuation or amplification, but introduces a frequency-dependent phase-shift. When the filtered
signal is mixed with the original signal, there will be notches in the frequency-content of the resulting signal at
all frequencies at which the phase-shift in the filtered signal is some odd integer multiple of 180 degrees.

In contrast to a flanger, these notches are not distributed at integer multiples of some fundamental frequency along
the frequency axis - so they have no harmonic relationship. This is the most distinguishing feature between phasers
and flangers (which are often regarded as somehow similar). If the characteristic frequencies of the allpass-filters
are modulated over time (via an LFO), these notches slide back and forth on the frequency axis - this is phasing.

Psycho-Phaser provides two independent allpass-chains for left and
right channel, each of which with its own, tempo-synchronized LFO. ..

Stereo-Flanger (version 1.0.1)

Stereo-Flanger is a VST-plugIn for the creation of comb-filter and flanger effects. A comb-filter delays the
incoming signal by a certain amount of time and mixes the delayed signal with the original signal. Because of
interference between the two signals, there will be peaks and notches in the resulting signal - peaks occur at
frequencies, where the original and delayed signal are in phase, notches occur at frequenceis, where the phase
bewteen the original and the delayed signal is 180° - at these frequencies, the two signals cancel out each other.

The positions of these peaks and notches is determined by the delay-time and they will always have a harmonic
relationship - that is: they are all integer multiples of some fundamental frequency. It is also possible to feed back
the output of the delayline back to its input - this emphasizes the peaks in the spectrum. When the delaytime is
modulated over time (with a LFO, for example), the peaks and notches slide back and forth on the frequncy-axis -
this is flanging. Stereo-Flanger provides two LFO-modulated delaylines - one for the left and one for the right channel.


PASS: vstclub

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